What IS the actual Pull a Plane?

Pull a Plane is a fun team competition to see who can pull a restored B-29 airplane the fastest. Teams are made up of up to 25 members, who line up adjacent to a huge rope attached to the aircraft. The starter signals when to begin and starts the stopwatch. After the team pulls the aircraft 25 feet, the stopwatch stops and the elapsed time is recorded as the team score.

Who can participate?

Pull a Plane is a team competition, so gather 24 of your coworkers, friends or family members (teams are made up of 25 people who are 18 years or older) and start lifting those weights! Pull a Plane is open to corporate groups, service organizations, gym groups, churches and school groups – anyone who can organize a team and get people motivated to try something new and fun! Please note that you do not need to have 25 people to participate. You can pull with as few people as you think it will take to get the job done!

What is the minimum amount that I need to raise to participate in the event?

All Pull a Plane teams must raise a minimum of $2,500, which is only $100/person!

You can raise funds by registering for and collecting funds from an online fundraising page or by bringing cash, check and/or credit card donations to the event. Teams who do not reach the $2,500 minimum by event day will not be permitted to pull and collected donations will go to support B-29 Doc and the WSU Tech Foundation.

How many people can be on a Plane Pull Team?

Pull a Plane teams can consist of anywhere from one to 25 people. No matter how many people you have, the fundraising minimum per team is $2,500.

What will my team receive for participating in the Pull a Plane?

In addition to the opportunity to pull a B-29 bomber, team members will each receive a wristband that allows them access to the Pull a Plane area, a guest wristband, an event T-shirt, and meal at the event. Your team will receive these items after you have submitted your minimum $2,500 in donations.

How old do you have to be to participate?

All participants must be 18 years or older.

What should I bring to the Plane Pull?

Make sure to bring your team’s cash and check donations as well as comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, and gloves to wear while pulling Doc. You will need your ID, gloves, participant wristband and closed-toed shoes. (Sandals/flip flops are NOT ALLOWED. Bare feet not allowed. If you forget closed-toed shoes, you will have to borrow someone’s!)

Also helpful to have will be sunscreen, hats, signs, cash and your loud cheering voice! No coolers or pets. This is a smoke-free event.

Can spectators come to the Plane Pull?

Absolutely! Pull a Plane is a family friendly event that’s open to the public. Anyone is welcome to attend to witness the event firsthand while cheering on their friends and family. Public admission will be $10 per person or $25 for a family (up to six people). The admission fee grants access to the Pull a Plane event, as well as to the Doc Hangar where a variety of STEM activities will be taking place. We’d love to see your family, friends, and co-workers come and cheer you on, but please leave your pets at home. Animals – unless they’re service dogs – are not allowed in the hangar or on the tarmac.

How does my team check in at Pull a Plane?

All participants must check in when they arrive at the Pull a Plane site. We will offer advance check-in on Friday, March 8 from 10 a.m. to noon and 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Doc Hangar, Education & Visitors Center (1788 S. Airport Rd.). Check-in will begin at 10:00 a.m. on event day, Saturday, March 9.

Please note that team members will not be able to check in until the $2,500 fundraising minimum has been received.

What are some tips to make check in go faster?

  • Ensure each team member has registered online prior to check in.
  • Bring all of your team funds to check in.
  • When possible, contact us prior to arriving at registration with questions about online pledges or issues regarding registration. If questions arise that day, we will do our best to help you with them in a timely manner.

What are the benefits of registering online?

All participants are required to register online. Registering online allows you to create your own individual and team web pages, accept credit card pledges online, track your pledges, send out online pledge requests and thank you messages to friends and family, and send out invitation emails for people to join your team. Registering online also helps us at Pull a Plane Headquarters to plan incentive items and day-of Pull a Plane activities.

Who should checks be written to?

All checks can be written out to “WSU Tech Foundation.”

How can I make a donation without submitting my credit card online?

You can mail your donation to the address below. Be sure to include your name and your Team’s name so we know who to credit.

WSU Tech Foundation
Attn: Plane Pull
4004 N. Webb Rd.
Wichita, KS 67226

If I receive cash or checks, can I add it to my online total?

Please mail or drop off ALL cash and check donations to WSU Tech Foundation, 4004 N. Webb Rd, Wichita, KS 67226. We will add cash and checks to your individual or team page once received.

Does WSU Tech Foundation issue refunds?

Charitable contributions are non-refundable. Since the minimum fundraising requirement is considered a charitable contribution, it’s therefore also non-refundable. All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

My company offers matching gifts. If I get my personal contribution to Pull a Plane matched, does that count towards my fundraising total, and how do I go about getting credit for it?

Matching gifts are a great way to raise additional funds for your Pull! As long as we receive the matching gift BEFORE the event, we’ll give you credit for the donation and add it to your fundraising total. All you need to do is complete a request with your employer. They’ll have us verify your donation and will send us the matching funds if we quality under their giving qualifications.

Will my supporters automatically receive a receipt, or do I need to request them?

WSU Tech Foundation automatically generates thank you letters and donation receipts for anyone who contributes $25 or more by check or money order and for whom we have complete and accurate contact information (name and mailing address). All donations that are made online via credit card will automatically receive a thank you letter and donation receipt via email; this is the only receipt they’ll receive for that donation. Cash contributions that aren’t specifically credited to a particular donor will not automatically receive receipts. If you’d like a receipt for a cash donation, you can ask a volunteer for a cash receipt when you check in.

Will I be able to see pictures from the Pull a Plane after the event?

Yes! Photos will be available here after Pull a Plane is complete. We’d also love for you to share your pictures online. Please use #PullAPlaneICT in your own social media posts.

Can I or my company sponsor Pull a Plane?

To learn about sponsorship opportunities for Pull a Plane, contact Courtney Sendall, at csendall@wsutech.edu or 316.677.1034.

When / Where is the event?

Saturday, March 8, 2025, at B-29 Doc Hangar & Education Center, 1788 S. Airport Rd, Wichita, KS 67209. Participant check-in opens at 10:00 a.m. and opening ceremonies begin at 1:00 p.m.

Can I check-in early?

Yes, skip the line on Saturday! Attend early check-in on Friday, March 8 from 10 a.m. to noon and 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Doc Hangar, Education & Visitors Center (1788 S. Airport Rd.).

Who does Pull a Plane benefit?

The Pull a Plane benefits two amazing organizations. Half of the proceeds will go to B-29 Doc to benefit the Education portion of Doc’s mission. The other half will go to the WSU Tech Foundation to support student-focused initiatives. To learn more about Doc, click here. To learn more about WSU Tech, click here.

What if Pull a Plane must be cancelled?

In the case of inclement weather or other unavoidable circumstances, an attempt will be made to reschedule however the event may be cancelled. All donations are considered a charitable contribution, and therefore are non-refundable.

What does it cost for spectators to attend the event?

Public admission will be $10 per person or $25 for a family (up to six people). The admission fee grants access to the Pull a Plane event, as well as to the Doc Hangar where a variety of STEM activities will be taking place.

How much is it to park?

Ample parking is free for this event! View the parking map under Events > Parking Map.

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